Novel Jack
Novel JackTomorrow is Today

The first automated hydraulic support foot,
for greater safety and efficiency of
towed agricultural equipment. 



Seal of Excellence of the European Commission
SIMOL has received the "Seal of Excellence" from the European Commission, a certificate attesting to the excellence of the " Novel Jack" project proposal under Horizon 2020, the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014-2020).

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Novel Jack is the perfect synthesis between experience and innovation, the result of years and years of study and research.
Technologically advanced production investments and the preparation of qualified operators allow us to respond with precision and professionalism to the needs of precision agriculture.


Throughout its history, agriculture was the protagonist of several revolutions that led to the development and refinement of new techniques, expanded knowledge and brought greater wealth.
Precision Agriculture (also known as Precision Farming ) is the innovative trend that is revolutionizing the agricultural world, seeking and making available increasingly precise and punctual means to optimize work and resource consumption, boosting productivity and reducing waste, thanks to the synergy between mechanical evolution and software application.

Precision agriculture is gaining enormous popularity among farmers due to the growing need for optimized agricultural production, with limited resources available.
The digitisation and spreading of innovative technologies are changing every sector of our society, also involving agriculture, which is equipping itself to give a rapid and immediate response to the growing demands for production that are being made on it.
Due to climate change and the variables that intervene in the system, the maintenance of optimal conditions is increasingly difficult and any errors in crop management can lead to a decrease in yield, with serious damage to the economic sustainability of farming businesses. 

The precision agriculture market is estimated at $7.0 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach $12.8 billion by 2025, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.7% between 2020 and 2025. The main factors driving the growth of the precision agriculture market include increased agricultural mechanization in developing countries, increased labour costs due to skilled labour shortages, tension on global food supply due to the increase in world population, substantial cost savings associated with smart agriculture techniques, and government initiatives to adopt modern agricultural techniques (source, "Precision Agriculture Market - Global Forecast to 2025”).

Despite the fact that the drive towards innovation never was as high as it is now in the field of "precision agriculture”, a fundamental operation such as the process of lifting and levelling agricultural towed equipment through the use of jacks still remains purely manual, as it was decades ago, limiting not only productivity but also and above all the operators' safety.

Novel Jack meets the need of major agricultural machinery manufacturers to offer their customers a fully automated support system with advanced safety features. It is a one-of-a-kind solution, the result of two years of research and development, made possible thank to SIMOL' s long experience in the design and construction of supporting jacks for towed equipment.

Novel Jack is a fully automated jack with high mechanical performance certified according to ISO-12140 and ISOBUS certified compatibility: thanks to the dedicated ISOBUS module, major OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) can easily integrate Novel Jack with their equipment. 

Novel Jack communicates according to the ISOBUS protocol with the Virtual Terminal located in the tractor cab.

The operations of moving the jack from its stowed position to its vertical operative position are run from the tractor cabin through the Virtual Terminal, thus offering a significant reduction of physical labour, increasing productivity and efficiency in total safety.

Being ISOBUS certified, Novel Jack is the first jack able to communicate according to the ISOBUS protocol with the Virtual Terminal located in the tractor cab, which the operator can control the movements of the jack from.


Advanced sensors and constant monitoring of operations
Which requirement does Novel Jack primarily respond to?


Thanks to its advanced sensors, the Novel Jack system measures the applied load and any potentially dangerous overloads.

It checks any anomalies in the ground on which it rests, it detects the failure to reach a stable landing surface and any obstacles in the ground during the descent of the jack.

A disadvantage of traditional types of jacks, which NOVEL JACK allows to overcome, lies in the fact that the jack can be accidentally positioned on an unstable surface. This situation can lead to difficulties in re-coupling and even to the trailer tipping over when it is disconnected from the drawing vehicle, with risk for the safety of the operator and damage to the implement.

Novel Jack has an innovative safety monitoring system, supported by active and passive safety procedures, optimized for fast response.

Novel Jack is also able to detect the height of the implement towing hitch, facilitating the operations of coupling/ uncoupling the trailer from the tractor.


The pressure sensor detects the applied load and any potentially dangerous overload
The tilt sensor inside the ECU continously monitors the inclination of the jack
The optical sensor monitors the extension of the cylinder rod


ISOBUS compliance

Until recently, connecting several implements to the tractor could be problematic because it required many control devices and various cables, making everything difficult to manage.
ISOBUS is the standard protocol that allows you to manage communication between tractors, software and equipment of the main manufacturers, enabling the exchange of data and information in a universal language through a single control console integrated in the tractor cab.
Thanks to ISOBUS, it is possible to control from a single display every compatible equipment connected, for improved operating efficiency.

Being ISOBUS certified, Novel Jack is the first jack able to communicate according to the ISOBUS protocol with the Virtual Terminal in the tractor cab, which the operator can control the movements of the jack from.
Novel Jack

Novel Jack ISOBUS_AEF Certified compliance

In 2019 SIMOL obtained the AEF ISOBUS certification for Novel Jack at the REI Foundation laboratory, a structure enabled for ISOBUS certification (according to the ISO 11783 standard), both for the software and for the hardware part.

The implementation of the ISOBUS certification is a fundamental turning point for SIMOL, to be fully involved in   the “Precision Farming” process, as it allows the jack system “Novel Jack” to communicate with the ISOBUS compliant tractor and equipment through a universal language.

The AEF certification label shows that the component has passed the AEF certification procedure.
For more information:

Novel Jack

Simol is AEF member

The AEF – the Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation is an international and independent organization. Its main objective is to support and promote the implementation of electronic standards in agriculture that have been developed and adopted by the international community.

The AEF was founded in 2008 by seven international ag equipment manufacturers. The organization aims to improve cross-manufacturer compatibility of electronic and electric components in agricultural equipment, and to establish transparency about compatibility issues.

AEF has currently 11 core members and about 200 general members,including SIMOL SPA.

The AEF ISOBUS functionalities defined by AEF form the basis for the certification of Isobus products. Aef's task from the beginning was in fact to develop a binding ISOBUS certification procedure to ensure compatibility.

For this AEF has developed the AEF ISOBUS conformity test, which aims to ensure that the ISOBUS products actually support a specific functionality, i.e. that they comply with the ISO 11783 standard and the AEF supplementary guidelines.

For more information:

Novel Jack


What is that?

ISOBUS is the standard protocol allowing to manage communication between tractors, software and equipment of the main manufacturers, enabling data and information   exchange in a universal language through a single control console integrated in the tractor cab (the ISOBUS Virtual Terminal).

The worldwide ISO 11783 (ISOBUS) standard defines the communication between agricultural machinery, mainly tractors and implements, and also the data transfer between these mobile machines and farm software applications.

Tractors and implements are combined in numerous ways by farmers and contractors. From an electronic point of view, ISOBUS provides the key for this.

Before the introduction of ISOBUS technology, connecting different implements to the tractor could be problematic because it required as many control devices to be placed in the cab as there were tools.
This created in the cab a messy set of monitors and multi-brand cables making it all the more difficult to manage.

The great advantage offerted by ISOBUS is to simplify this by offering a plug and play solution: only one terminal for a large selection of implements, regardless of the manufacture. 

The adoption of the ISOBUS technology on tractors allows a “dialogue” with the equipment using  a single graphical terminal (Virtual Terminal) to manage all ISOBUS compliant tools.

Thanks to ISOBUS, the monitor in the cabin therefore becomes an authentic on-board computer that controls all tools and implements connected, ensuring the exchange of information.


Communication technology based on ISO 11783
The electronic revolution that is changing the face of our agriculture passes through ISOBUS, a communication technology based on the ISO 11783 standard. Thanks to this system with a single display, all compatible ISOBUS tools connected to it are driven from the tractor cab.

ISOBUS increasingly represents a drive towards the digitisation of agricultural operations and so-called Precision technologies—such as for example GPS soil and yield mapping and variable-rate input applications , to help farmers  improve  productivity and efficiency. 

The most important OEMs of Ag-machineries have been employing the possibilities of these new technologies to make their products more straightforward, intuitive and easier to operate. 

Connectivity and precision farming will drive up productivity and efficiency, helping farmers to address future agricultural needs and conditions, with the aim of producing more with less, in a sustainable way. 

With regard to Novel Jack, the use of an automatic ISOBUS certified supporting jack guarantees greater work efficiency and a significant reduction of physical labour. The system has no need for manual turning, avoiding so excessive and repetitive manual cranking and reducing work time and non-value adding activities, while increasing safety. 
Novel Jack

ISOBUS Virtual Terminal

How Novel Jack maximizes efficiency

Virtual terminal: Novel Jack's technological interface 

ISOBUS technology introduces a substantial change in the tools available to operators to conduct their work.

In the tractor cabs, real on-board computers supervise the machine and support the user in the execution of operations, trying to alleviate the heavier and more worn ones thanks to new techniques in the joint automation of the tractor-equipment system.

The ISOBUS technology is user-friendly, easy to understand and it allows a standardization of the command and control of tools even if coming from different manufacturers.

Thanks to the ISOBUS system, a single graphic terminal (the Virtual Terminal) in the tractor cab can control all ISOBUS compliant implements connected: only one terminal for a large selection of implements, regardless of the manufacture.


ISOBUS AEF functionality: UT Universal Terminal

This specific functionality (highlighted in the AEF ISOBUS label) is the capability of operating an implement with any terminal; also, the capability of using one terminal for operating different implements.
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